To Be A Runner: How Racing Up Mountains, Running With The Bulls, Or Just Taking On A 5-K Makes You A Better Person (and The World A Better Place) (2011)
About book To Be A Runner: How Racing Up Mountains, Running With The Bulls, Or Just Taking On A 5-K Makes You A Better Person (and The World A Better Place) (2011)
这不是一本有关跑者的技巧的书。装备,练习这些方面的内容虽有涉及但基本都一笔带过。作者主要结合了自己本人作为跑者和教练的经验和体验,阐发了跑步对自己个人生活和工作的影响和启迪。 对肉体疲劳和伤害的态度,对不确定未来的恐惧,如何看待痛苦这几个主题比较深刻,耐人寻味。作者经验非常丰富,跋山涉水,野外穿行,各种正式非正式比赛,这些都有独到而细致的描述,读来颇有实感。 佩服作者不断挑战自身极限的精神,正能量满满,这也是作者在文中反复强调的一种生活态度和方法。 My favorite part of this whole book was on the 17th page in the essay called "Excuses, Excuses" is starts:"To be an endurance athlete is to have a million excuses at the ready: It's too cold to train, too wet, too sunny, too Saturday. My shoes are wet. My tires are flat. I'm fat. I'm out of Gu. I can't put this book down. I just ate a burrito. My cat has a tumor. And on and on."I loved it because as a long distance rummer it was very relate-able. To be sure there, there were other relate-able moments. I appreciated the concept of his extreme-passion (I wish I had that type of passion-about anything!)about the sport and all things related. However, I found him to be so full of himself that it distracted from the essays. He was so "preach-y" and such a "know it all" that I was really turned off. His tangent about how path running is the most superior form of running rubbed me the wrong way. I found it ridiculous how he was always talking about his weight insecurities....or how he honestly thought he was going to be an Olympic runner. And just in general, I thought he went overboard on how much stock he put into running and runners. I am a runner and I enjoy it and I appreciate it's positive effects but I just couldn't meet him at his level which ultimately detracted from my enjoyment of the book.
Do You like book To Be A Runner: How Racing Up Mountains, Running With The Bulls, Or Just Taking On A 5-K Makes You A Better Person (and The World A Better Place) (2011)?
A good running book. Short, easily digested and it ha lots of little gems of running wisdom.
I thought it was going to be a collection of stories by different authors -- wrong.
Liked it. Would recommend it and Reread it in 5 years.
Mainly ruined by the author. Otherwise okay.