这不是一本有关跑者的技巧的书。装备,练习这些方面的内容虽有涉及但基本都一笔带过。作者主要结合了自己本人作为跑者和教练的经验和体验,阐发了跑步对自己个人生活和工作的影响和启迪。 对肉体疲劳和伤害的态度,对不确定未来的恐惧,如何看待痛苦这几个主题比较深刻,耐人寻味。作者经验非常丰富,跋山涉水,野外穿行,各种正式非正式比赛,这些都有独到而细致的描述,读来颇有实感。 佩服作者不断挑战自身极限的精神,正能量满满,这也是作者在文中反复强调的一种生活态度和方法。 My favorite part of this whole book was on the 17th page in the essay ...
After a while I stopped noticing how badly written this book was and just went with the flow of the story. Sometimes this was very difficult, as there were lots and lots of adverbs and no noun seemed to ever be deprived of an adjective. No one ever went into a town: rather they rushed or scampere...