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Three Cups Of Tea: Young Reader's Edition (2006)

Three Cups of Tea: Young Reader's Edition (2006)

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0142414123 (ISBN13: 9780142414125)

About book Three Cups Of Tea: Young Reader's Edition (2006)

Three Cups of Tea has been on my list for years, but when the controversy arose over the truth of the details and mishandling of funds, I filed it to the back for a while. As a literacy specialist in middle schools, this book came to my attention again: this time in the form of The Young Reader's Edition. Since many teachers and students were reading this in classrooms, I decided to dive in and give it a shot. As presented, this is an inspiring story. Not only does it present the power of giving, but it also addresses misconceptions about cultures and stereotypes about people because of religious affiliation, gender, and culture. Many lessons about life can be taken from this book and discussed with middle graders to help them see a world beyond themselves. This book is about a man who organizes a program called Pennies For Peace and is determined to help children in Pakistan. I like how motivated and determined Greg was to help the children in pakistan. he even created a school so that the children could go to school.If you enjoy reading non-fiction or true stories, then this is a great book. If you like fashion books, etc., then you might not enjoy this book as much as others.

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Invigorating, exciting and passionate.

tried, but couldn't quite finish.

it was an awesome book!!!

Lies lies and more lies.

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