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This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous (2008)

This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous (2008)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 1
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0545017033 (ISBN13: 9780545017039)

About book This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous (2008)

Firstly, let me tell you that the cover actually says it, the book is FABULOUS ! Loved it, it's definitely a page turner, and I have to admit it made me giggle in the middle of the night.. I just finished it ,and it rocked, it's so romantic and it's a perfect love story! I definitely recommend it to any young love story lovers! It's really cute.. Try it out, you'll definitely like it, trust me! ;) It felt like someone wrote this long book, then decided to edit out too much of it, thinking the story could still be told without all those extra pages. And it can, but it feels short, it feels too edited. I wanted more about every character, not because I was very attached to them, but because they felt too abbreviated and cliched. It's either a poorly written story, with flat characters, or way too edited, which makes the characters flat. The IMing story line was super transparent, as well as a smidgen creepy. And also, I just don't think that a size 12 warrants a visit to "fat camp." And the girl on the cover certainly doesn't look like she's even a size 12- she looks like a very averaged-sized person. So the premise of the book doesn't even fit. I mean, the book was entertaining for a couple light rail rides, but nothing I'd ever suggest to someone else to read- just not really worth the time.

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One of my favorites!! big girl gets the cute guy and she is awesome!!

I already wrote a paper book report.

Good story. Cute. Predictable.

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