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Nina Beck

Nina Beck
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Books by Nina Beck


This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous (2008)

Firstly, let me tell you that the cover actually says it, the book is FABULOUS ! Loved it, it's definitely a page turner, and I have to admit it made me giggle in the middle of the night.. I just finished it ,and it rocked, it's so romantic and it's a perfect love story! I definitely recommend it...

This Book Isn't Fat, It's Fabulous (2008) by Nina Beck

This Girl Isn't Shy, She's Spectacular (2009)

This book is a young adult book. This book is about a girl named Samantha who is tired of her boring good-girl life. She decides to go to New York City and be with her friend Riley. She makes a check list of things she hasn't done and has Riley help her. The reason for this check list is Sam appl...

This Girl Isn't Shy, She's Spectacular (2009) by Nina Beck

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