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Theodosia And The Staff Of Osiris (2007)

Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris (2007)

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4.08 of 5 Votes: 2
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0618927646 (ISBN13: 9780618927647)
Houghton Mifflin

About book Theodosia And The Staff Of Osiris (2007)

Theodosia is a precocious eleven year old who has been truant from school all her life. Her grandmother is determined to find her a stern, capable tutor. Instead of school, Theodosia has been working in a museum cataloging artifacts and learning everything there is to know about ancient Egypt.One day, Theodosia and her parents arrive at the museum to discover the place filled with mummies. How they got there is the mystery. Theodosia is the capable one to do it and she doesn't need any adult help, thank you very much.This is a great pre-teen mystery especially for girls. Theodosia books are great fun to read with your 8 year old. It intensifies the imagination and encourages further research into ancient Egypt. I thought this book was better than the first, eventhough, it is slightly far-fetched for an 11 year old to outsmart criminals in the streets of early1900's London using magic. It is all in good fun and worth reading the series. We look forward to reading the next installment.

Do You like book Theodosia And The Staff Of Osiris (2007)?

Another good installment and one huge surprise ending.

The second book in this series.

Quit at the one-fifth mark.

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