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The Viscount And The Witch (2011)

The Viscount and the Witch (2011)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
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Ridan Publishing

About book The Viscount And The Witch (2011)

This is my first foray into this author's work, and the first time I've read anything labelled as Fantasy in many a moon. I've no knowledge whatsoever of the Riyria world or series, so frankly, I was glad that this was a quick dip into this particular pool. After all, no one wants to jump in if the water is too cold (not at my age, anyway).I loved this. Royce and Hadrian are great together, and seem to have that kind of relationship I find entertaining and interesting - they seem to like and dislike each other all at the same time. I won't say more as I don't want to spoil it for anyone. What this story's relation is to the rest of the books is unknown to me, but I'm rather interested in finding out.Over the years I've fallen off the strict fantasy/scifi boat mostly because I don't have much interest in the hardware or detailed warfare that is usually in the books that I've picked up. Character always seems secondary. I'm likely wrong and might have just picked up the wrong books, but it's been my experience. I'm beginning to get the same feelings for the romance genre, and I'm sad about that. This short story, however, definitely puts the emphasis on character. I almost felt like "squeeing" last night when that came across (I refrained because my teenagers think I'm weird enough as it'm off to try the next book! Wow. Can't believe I found a fantasy book I like. :-D This story was short but very good to read and would like to read more of this kind of story as I think will be of the adventures of these two loveable characters in this story. My thanks go to the wonderful author of this story and for the privilege of reading yet again one of his wonderful books. I would love to read more of the adventures of Royce & Hadrian as I hope there is more to come with all that said keep smiling and happy reading to all with love from wee me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Do You like book The Viscount And The Witch (2011)?

A very nice short story early in the careers of Royce and Hadrian...with a clever little lesson.

This is a short story - a 10 minute romp. I found it enjoyable.

Short stories, you'll find the same in the novels.

Was free! Can't beat that. Short and sweet.

a teaser...

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