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The Streets Keep Calling (2010)

The Streets Keep Calling (2010)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 3
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1601622872 (ISBN13: 9781601622877)
Urban Books

About book The Streets Keep Calling (2010)

This was a quick read (or listen in my case), which gave it little room for fillers and pretty much straight to the point. The way the main character was written, it made me want him to be able to do his thing, get on his feet and everything fall into place but in reality you know that doesn't happen likely. The women he dealt with were all different and provided different things to his life. I hoped he could get on the straight and narrow and settle down but I guess I should have known by the title "The Streets Keep Calling" not to expect a happily ever after. I hope there is a follow-up to the story but all in all I enjoyed this fast paced quick read. Street keep calling was a fast read. Breeze had serve a five year bid for a drug charge. Everybody had turn their backs on him including his wife Maria. When we got out he made a promise to himself and God, that we wouldn't follow in the same foot steps as he did before. But the streets kept calling him, he was tired on struggling and couldn't pay any bills has a janitor. Shit start going krazy in the blink of an eyes it started a war. I would like to maybe see a part 2 to this book.

Do You like book The Streets Keep Calling (2010)?

Great read. I wish things would have worked out for Breeze.

Really short but its good

Based around Norfolk, VA.

Very very good book

Another good read!

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