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Chunichi Knott

Chunichi Knott
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.34

Books by Chunichi Knott


The Streets Keep Calling (2010)

This was a quick read (or listen in my case), which gave it little room for fillers and pretty much straight to the point. The way the main character was written, it made me want him to be able to do his thing, get on his feet and everything fall into place but in reality you know that doesn't ...

The Streets Keep Calling (2010) by Chunichi Knott

A Gangster's Girl (2004)

I don't know why I Picked this book ..Maybe it was just something new & I love these type of books , even tho they are basically all the same , with different characters surroundings and what not , I just can't get enough though .Where as ceazia she has a good life but Vegas made it even better ....

A Gangster's Girl (2004) by Chunichi Knott

Married to the Game (2005)

The theme of this book would probably be more towards Dont go looking for trouble. I think this theme fits because the entire time the main character looks for his brothers killer and in the end it doesn't turn out good for him. Over all this book was about many different characters that had some...

Married to the Game (2005) by Chunichi Knott

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