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The Single Girl's To-Do List (2011)

The Single Girl's To-Do List (2011)

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3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
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0007345631 (ISBN13: 9780007345632)

About book The Single Girl's To-Do List (2011)

Sometimes I just really don't understand my decision making process. I knew I probably wouldn't like this book about fifty pages in, but I persevered. Though there were some generally fun and cute parts, this was sloppily edited, sloppily written (the main character oscillates between 28 and 29 and there's a weird thing about her brother's age and I don't even know), and I couldn't get over the casual use of words like tranny and retarded and...sigh. This book did not work for me at all. I didn't think that I was going to enjoy this book as much as I did. After reading the "I Heart Series" I just knew that I needed to read more of Lindsey Kelk's work. This book, just like all of her books, was easy to understand which is perfect for a quick read.It didn't take much to fall in love with Rachel and her friends; What better way to get over an ex boyfriend than a single girl's to do list? Specially for those of us who are a bit OCD. The entire time I was cheering for Rachel to get over her "cockweasel" of an ex-boyfriend while waiting for her to realize how much Dan loves her.Favorite part of the book: "I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do this at work" he said. "Just drop my camera and push you against the wall and just... for years..."
The cherry on top was the appearance of Jenny Lopez in Canada. I loved the way Kelk incorporated her into the story without taking away from it.

Do You like book The Single Girl's To-Do List (2011)?

Great chick lit! After enjoying this so much, I'll be looking at the rest of her books.

Cute, fun, predictable, very much like a chick flick in book form but I did enjoy it.

eh, it was okay. Glad the girl was happy at the end.

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