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The Silver Spoon Of Solomon Snow (2007)

The Silver Spoon of Solomon Snow (2007)

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3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
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0763627925 (ISBN13: 9780763627928)

About book The Silver Spoon Of Solomon Snow (2007)

a self-admitted dickens-fan, this has all the ear-marks of the poor, unfortunate soul. it’s an okay book, but one of those that i found myself reading and thinking, “i could write this.” (but of course, i haven’t written it or anythign like it so i have no right to think such things, but you get the idea.) one of the book’s habits which i couldn’t decide whether it was endearing or annoying was that each time they’d get stuck in a spot, one character would turn to the other and ask, “well, what would the hero of that book you’re writing do in this situation?” and the other character would respond and then that very thing would happen. i think it leaned more towards endearing, but might get annoying if it continues heavily in the proposed sequel. also, i got a little sick of the sickly-sweet “prodigy” character, rosabella. i realize that she was a caricature, but again, i’d be heartily sick of her by book two. let’s just say, i’m not really motivated to read the sequel, but it was okay. nice packaging.

My kids and I really enjoyed this book. It had interesting characters, good plot, fast pace and it was also funny and quite entertaining.Upon learning that he is a foundling, Solomon Snow sets out with a friend to find his silver spoon he was left on the doorstep with and to find his real parents. He adds to his entourage as his quest progresses along and there are some good twists in the plot as well. My favorite character was the infant prodigy with her dumb bunny, Mr. Skippy. I want to read another book with her as the main character!

Do You like book The Silver Spoon Of Solomon Snow (2007)?

I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading anything else she writes in this series. There's a quote from the author on the back cover: "A while ago, I went on a 'reread Charles Dickens' binge. Inspired, I cried, 'I can do that!' I couldn't. What came out was Solomon Snow."I loved the hints of Charles Dickens that showed up in Solomon Snow: in the way she titles her chapters, names of minor characters (Lazarus Pinchpenny,Irma Spindletrap, Arnold Scubbins.)Not that you should pick this book up and expect to find Dickens. I just happen to be a fan of his; so I couldn't help finding similarities. Her writing style is very nicely uncomplicated; it doesn't take itself too seriously. There were definitely "Nichoals Nickleby" references; also "Oliver Twist" and "The Old Curiosity Shoppe" - possibly more that I didn't pick up on.Someday I hope my children will be reading Dickens - Solomon Snow will be a good stepping stone along the way. Kaye Umansky's writing just might make his books feel familiar.

I liked this book. It was a bit charming. I liked that the author left some fun surprises at the end. It didn't turn out as I predicted it would. And I am glad. Mostly this book is for younger readers, who don't do well with too much suspense stress. There is some suspense, but it really isn't very intense. The book seems pretty predictable, until the end, which wasn't too far out there.I found this book entertaining but not something that was constantly on my mind when I was away from it. It was a SUPER easy read.I loved the end and what Prudence tells Solly what quality she likes about him the very most. I wish someone would tell ME that I posess that same quality!

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