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Scott Nash

Scott Nash
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Books by Scott Nash


The Silver Spoon of Solomon Snow (2007)

a self-admitted dickens-fan, this has all the ear-marks of the poor, unfortunate soul. it’s an okay book, but one of those that i found myself reading and thinking, “i could write this.” (but of course, i haven’t written it or anythign like it so i have no right to think such things, but you get ...

The Silver Spoon of Solomon Snow (2007) by Scott Nash

Stanley and the Magic Lamp (2009)

Kalau Prince Haraz datang ke hadapanku saat ini dan menawarkan dirinya untuk mengabulkan tiga permintaan apa saja, apa saja yang aku minta, kira-kira apa?Kemudian ingatanku akan terbang ke masa-masa dimana dulu kita sering kali berbagi cerita-cerita rahasia. Berdua.Kenangan yang tak lagi ada kare...

Stanley and the Magic Lamp (2009) by Scott Nash

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