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The Secret Circus (2009)

The Secret Circus (2009)

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3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
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1596434031 (ISBN13: 9781596434035)
Roaring Brook Press

About book The Secret Circus (2009)

My five-year-old son picked this book out from the library last week. My five-year-old son is fascinated by Paris. I encourage his interest. There was a lot to really, really like about this book. First the subject: Paris. I am not a fan of circuses in general, but this circus, this secret circus, would be worth seeing. The text was poetic without being rhyme-y. This illustrations were unusual without being weird. I really, really liked this book, but I didn't quite love it. I would like to see from this author, though. I admit I was terribly disappointed by this one simply because I had super-high expectations and had to wait for it forever in the library holds list! The text is very, very simple (though it features a nice repetition that kids will enjoy) and the illustrations were...well, not exactly my cup of tea (the cover art is my favorite, by far) though I do appreciate the artistry and applaud the publisher for going with something a bit out of the norm.

Do You like book The Secret Circus (2009)?

One of the sweetest books I have ever read. I love the illustrations. Excellent book, Johanna!

Lovely imagery, simple yet gorgeous story, & a Paris setting. Perfection!

There are not enough books on circuses, so this is a nice addition.

Magical mouse world.

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