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Johanna Wright

Johanna Wright
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Books by Johanna Wright


Bunnies on Ice (2013)

When you're a champion ice-skater, you have to wait for the conditions to be just right. You have to wait through spring. You have to wait through summer. You have to wait through autumn until . . . Finally, as the snow begins to fall, you can show the world just how good you really are! From the...

Bunnies on Ice (2013) by Johanna Wright

The Secret Circus (2009)

My five-year-old son picked this book out from the library last week. My five-year-old son is fascinated by Paris. I encourage his interest. There was a lot to really, really like about this book. First the subject: Paris. I am not a fan of circuses in general, but this circus, this secret ci...

The Secret Circus (2009) by Johanna Wright

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