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The Ruined Map (2001)

The Ruined Map (2001)

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0375726527 (ISBN13: 9780375726521)

About book The Ruined Map (2001)

ျဖတ္သြားျဖတ္လာ အေရအတြက္က အရင္ရွိေနတာထက္ အံ့အားသင့္စရာေကာင္းေလာက္ေအာင္ ပိုမ်ားလာတယ္။ ေစ်း၀ယ္ထြက္ရာက ျပန္လာတဲ့ မိန္းမေတြခ်ည္းမဟုတ္ဘူး၊ အလုပ္က အိမ္ျပန္လာတဲ့ ေယာက္်ားေတြလည္း ပါတယ္။ လိုင္းကားတစ္စီး မွတ္တိုင္၀င္လာတာ ျဖစ္ခ်င္ျဖစ္မွာ။ သူတို႔ကို ကၽြန္ေတာ္ ငံု႔ၾကည့္ေနရင္းမွာပဲ၊ လူဆိုတာ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ေနတဲ့ တိရိစ ၦန္ေတြပဲလို႔ ေကာင္းေကာင္း သေဘာေပါက္လာတယ္။ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္တယ္ဆိုတာထက္ ဒီသတၱ၀ါေတြဟာ ကလီစာေတြထည့္ထုပ္ထားတဲ့ သူ႔တို႔ အေရျပားအိတ္ႀကီးေတြကို ပင္ပန္းတႀကီး ဒရြတ္တိုက္ဆြဲၿပီး ေျမဆြဲအားကို တြန္းလွန္ေနရတာပဲဆိုတဲ့ ခံစားခ်က္မ်ဳိး ကၽြန္ေတာ့္မွာ၀င္လာတယ္လို႔ ေျပာရင္ ပိုမွန္မယ္။ တခ်ဳိ႕က သူတို႔ ထြက္လာတဲ့ အရပ္ဆီကို ျပန္လာေနၾကတာ၊ ဒီလိုျပန္လာဖို႔အတြက္ပဲ ထြက္လာခဲ့ၾကရတာ မဟုတ္လား။ သူတို႔အိမ္ေတြက နံရံထူထူေတြကို ပိုၿပီးထူလာေအာင္လုပ္ဖို႔၊ ျပန္လည္ခိုလႈံရာမွာ အရင္ကထက္ ပိုမိုၾကံ့ခိုင္ေနဖို႔အတြက္ နံရံနဲ႔သက္ဆိုင္တဲ့ပစၥည္းေတြ ရရွိဖို႔ သူတို႔ အျပင္ကို ထြက္ၾကရတာ။ ျဖစ္ခဲတယ္ဆိုေပမဲ့၊ တခါတေလက်ေတာ့လည္း လူတခ်ဳိ႕ဟာ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွျပန္မလာႏိုင္ေတာ့ဘဲ အျပင္ထြက္သြားၾကရတယ္။

All I can really say about this one is that it's like City of Glass, but more substantial and textured. Which is to say, the plots of the two are nearly the same--possibly incompetent private eye investigates what may be a crime, but the case is set aside in favor of an identity crisis for the narrator. The difference is that Abe at least has some good old-fashioned prose style, whereas Auster lacks in that area (as far as I can tell), among others.A few examples, and again, these aren't supposed to be examples of Great Prose...only competent, just interesting enough to keep you reading:"If I believed her literally--or the words she spoke to herself--within these thirty some paces an unreasonable and unforeseen event had lain in wait for him. And as a result of it he had not only disregarded the appointment at S---- station, but had boldly and irreversibly stepped across a chasm, turning his back on the world." (Interesting that the private eye seems to consider the subject's reappearance impossible, right from the beginning)"Although it was dead winter a huge green bottlefly, slipping and sliding, was buzzing as it tried to crawl up the shade over the electric light; it kept circling around but there was no need to worry: flies know the seasons better than humans, and their wisdom is great."And from toward the end of the book, where the prose gets a little more muddled and abstract (in a good way, if one has the patience):"If I could get them to take her at my wife's place, the membrane between the frog's toes would be even more beautiful--like purple rubber. What was broken? What was left? Again the usual face appeared in the veneer ceiling printed with the straight-grain cypress wood . . . a laughing moon . . . why was the dream I had a couple of times a year, where I was pursued by a laughing full moon, so frightening? It was still a puzzle I could not understand no matter how I racked my brains." (This is the only place in the book that the laughing moon dream is mentioned)And from only a few pages later, opening up a chapter:"I could only assume someone was watching me."So Abe does a good job of making this plot believable--you can see the narrator's gradual descent into paranoia and, ultimately, incoherence, whereas Auster gives us nothing of the sort--while providing us with some interesting scenery along the way. But seeing as it elicited from me nothing more than a shrug, I can't in good conscience recommend it to anyone.

Do You like book The Ruined Map (2001)?

I hadn't read a novel by Kobo Abe before, but was intrigued by the cover of the Vintage International Edition of The Ruined Map. And when I read the back it piqued my interest: "In Ruined Map, Kobo Abe fashioned a literary crime novel that combines the narrative suspense of Chandler with the surreal imagery of Kafka and the psychological acuity of Dostoevsky."I'm finding that I have trouble appreciating surrealism these days (see my bafflement with Buenel films). I found it interesting, but inexplicable at times. Just when it got interesting it would get abstract and difficult to follow. I guess I was expecting more of a straightforward hard-boiled detective novel, but coming from a writer influenced by Beckett I should have known better. Some of the characters are well drawn, like the wife of the missing man and her brother. As the novel progresses the seedier it gets, but then again it sort of veers into a study of human psychology and lost identity. The ending is particularly unsatisfying. But it isn't about solving the mystery so much as mapping the human psyche and people's connections with others. Challenging and interesting, but I think I need to read something more digestible next.
—Patrick McCoy

I’ll admit it. I was a little distracted while reading the ending of this book. I read the last 20-30 pages on a plane while a baby was screaming bloody murder. Yes, I had my head phones on and yes, I had trouble following the book. Under normal circumstances, a quiet room with a cup of tea, I don’t think I would have understood the book either. It moves in and out of focus for me. There was a lot in it about sexuality and the blurring of female/male relationships and aesthetic. In fact, that was a large part of the book. I liked that about the book, but I am left wondering what part that played in the overall loss of identity. Beyond the obvious link to identity it was a bit hazy. I like the blurring of realities, but I felt a little too confused at certain points. There was so much description revolving around action (people fighting/rioting outside of the bus). I also wonder how much I missed by not understanding the history of Japan in the 1960’s. I felt like I had taken some kind of drug myself and I couldn’t really find the thread that linked events and people to the end of the story. Maybe this was intentional on Abe’s part.The idea of the ruined map as a concept really struck me, but I didn’t feel like it was fleshed out enough. I didn’t want everything spelled out for me, but I felt I needed a little more characterization/back story of the detective in the story. It wouldn’t have hurt to give us more information about the wife who hired the detective either. In fact, I wanted to know if my assumption that she had hired the detective in order to turn him into her husband was partially true or what. Or was he the husband all along and was she trying to help him remember who he was etc. See? Confusing. If there had been a bit more in the way of parallels between the detective and the missing husband this could have been clarified. I always wonder how much is lost in translation. This is no exception.Sometimes writing about my experience after reading a book makes me feel better about the book. In this case, it brought more clarity into the overall, broad picture and the subject matter. It strikes me as odd that the few reviews that I’ve read (mostly just on goodreads) said nothing about the aspect of sexuality in the book. Most just talk about the “existential detective” and losing one’s identity. Maybe I am pinpointing a more specific means to an end, but there was more going on (I think)than just losing one’s identity through one thing or another. I think I’ll reread that last 20-30 pages.P.S. My favorite Kobo Abe is Woman in the Dunes.

On the surface, this is a story about a private investigator who is hired to track down a husband who went missing several months prior. In many ways, it reminded me of a noir novel. It was a gritty tale that took the unnamed investigator to seedy sites as he tried to track down the missing husband. He came across many Illicit activities and underworld criminals, causing him to imagine a variety of possible scenarios. However, the story took on surreal, psychological twists and challenged the reader as the story progressed. For that reason, this book didn't quite fit into a classic crime genre. Instead, the reader was taken on a journey in which reality and fantasy became one and the reader was left wondering how the transformation they'd just witnessed occurred. I ended up reading a few reviews of this book and the author's wider body of work after I finished reading this book, which helped clarify some of the plot points and let me know I was not alone in being mystified by others.

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