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Kōbō Abe

Kōbō Abe
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Books by Kōbō Abe


The Ark Sakura (1989)

During my impoverished student years, I used to work at a local grocery store to meet ends. It was about two blocks away from my house. Everyday, my walks to work included terrifying encounters with a raggedy woman brimming with delusional paranoia of the world ending amid armageddon showers; her...

The Ark Sakura (1989) by Kōbō Abe

The Ruined Map (2001)

ျဖတ္သြားျဖတ္လာ အေရအတြက္က အရင္ရွိေနတာထက္ အံ့အားသင့္စရာေကာင္းေလာက္ေအာင္ ပိုမ်ားလာတယ္။ ေစ်း၀ယ္ထြက္ရာက ျပန္လာတဲ့ မိန္းမေတြခ်ည္းမဟုတ္ဘူး၊ အလုပ္က အိမ္ျပန္လာတဲ့ ေယာက္်ားေတြလည္း ပါတယ္။ လိုင္းကားတစ္စီး မွတ္တိုင္၀င္လာတာ ျဖစ္ခ်င္ျဖစ္မွာ။ သူတို႔ကို ကၽြန္ေတာ္ ငံု႔ၾကည့္ေနရင္းမွာပဲ၊ လူဆိုတာ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ေနတဲ့ တိရ...

The Ruined Map (2001) by Kōbō Abe

The Woman in the Dunes (1991)

I've watched the movie after reading the novel, and my review below is for both of them.The story is about Niki Jumpei, a teacher who made a field trip to a desert near the sea. He collects insect specimens. As an amateur entomologist, he is determined to discover an unrecorded beetle that would ...

The Woman in the Dunes (1991) by Kōbō Abe

The Box Man (2001)

I wanted to like this more. It was the first book by Abe I’d read (although I had seen the screen adaptation of The Woman in the Dunes). I was expecting something akin to Ian McEwan’s short story ‘Conversation with a Cupboard Man’ (written about the same time) which I read when it was first publi...

The Box Man (2001) by Kōbō Abe

The Face of Another (2003)

For his second novel Kobo Abe attempted to deal with larger issues of identity and personality on a national scale, by focussing on one nameless man. In Woman of the Dunes (1962), his first novel, Abe’s prose had a simple elegance, but with The Face of Another (1964) the basic form is much dilute...

The Face of Another (2003) by Kōbō Abe

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