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The Road Taken (2001)

The Road Taken (2001)

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1551668254 (ISBN13: 9781551668253)
mira books

About book The Road Taken (2001)

While sitting on my floor looking up at my shelves of books for one i had once read to my cousin, I accidentally picked this book up. It was an easy mistake because both books don't have their sleeve. I flipped throw it and quickly realized it was not the book I was looking for, although I could not put it down. I had fallen into a different world than our own. A beautiful world with no cell phones or iPods but instead a world with humble people. A world were a date didn't mean going to the movies, but a walk where you could open up and enjoy each other. I had fallen in love with a family of a broken man and his three children. This is truly the best book I have ever read. I thank God for that mistake.

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