After having read Rona Jaffe's best novel,"Class Reunion", which has been translated into German (Die Schulfreundinnen), I wanted to read the sequel, too, but the German publishing house was not willing to have this one translated and published as well claiming it was not a successful book in the US.In the winter of 1989 I read my first book in English, William Bradford's "History of Plimoth Plantation" in Old English (from 1638), but it went quite well.Encouraged by this positive reading experience, I finally ordered a paperback copy (those were the pre-Internet years) from "After the Reunion" at a big bookstore in Hamburg.After 8 weeks and the triple price of what it would have cost me if I could have bought it in the US, I started reading this sequel during the summer of 1991 during my breakfast & lunch breaks at the movie archives. At first I needed to check my English-German dictionary up to 20 times per page, but fortunately it got better with every chapter :).Once I had finished it, I could tell that the German publisher of Jaffe's books was full of BS and that this actually is a very satisfying sequel to an excellent novel.In the meantime I got a hardcover copy on and reread it.