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The Queen Of France (2011)

The Queen of France (2011)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
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0763641022 (ISBN13: 9780763641023)
Candlewick Press

About book The Queen Of France (2011)

This is a very pretty book - pink and sparkly. While the storyline was sweet, the back-and-forth from Rose being herself and the Queen of France was confusing for my child. I did have to read carefully to keep up with who she is when. The language of the adults sounded like the child, and vice-versa. Cute idea, but not so artfully written in my opinion.I had to go back and give this book another star b/c my child keeps asking for it. The more I read this, the more I like it. I don't think it's a storytime book (if you try it and it works great, let me know!) but it's a super story for sharing. It models wonderfully how to play out the what-then and what-next of imaginative play: what happens AFTER you put on the dress up clothes? The pleasure Rose feels in asking her parents questions that she knows they know she knows the answers to is palpable. Great parents. Great self-sufficient little kid. Wonderful illustrations--catching the way kids squat on the ground, how Kate walks differently as the Queen of France, the toys all over the kitchen floor, the loving and amused looks on the parents' faces.

Do You like book The Queen Of France (2011)?

i need this book the queen of france its a good makes me smile.

Better than I expected. I loved Kate's illustrations of the parents.

I loved this charming book about Rose and the Queen of France.

This is a kid with lots of imagination!

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