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Tim Wadham

Tim Wadham
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.86

Books by Tim Wadham


Queen of France (2011)

I loved this story, it just simply made me smile and remember all the characters I used to make-up myself when I was small. The funny thing is that the author captured an incident with his daughter and turned it into this story. The "Queen of France" tells the story of a little girl called Rose w...

Queen of France (2011) by Tim Wadham

The Queen of France (2011)

This is a very pretty book - pink and sparkly. While the storyline was sweet, the back-and-forth from Rose being herself and the Queen of France was confusing for my child. I did have to read carefully to keep up with who she is when. The language of the adults sounded like the child, and vice...

The Queen of France (2011) by Tim Wadham

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