About book The Promise Of Enough: Seven Principles Of True Abundance (2009)
It has been a long time since I have read a book through tears. It doesn't work very well. This book was so inspiring. I had a tough time getting it though. It had been shelved wrong at the library and had been missing for about three months. I tried to get it through inter-library loan and it never came. It helped me realize how very abundantly I had been blessed and really made me count them one by one. Sister Freeman’s book takes John 10:10 as it’s focus. Through the miracle of the loaves and the fishes as well as other choice scriptures, she elaborates on 7 concepts that lead to abundance: understanding God’s will, recognizing your potential, giving all you have, letting obedience lead to belief, remembering gratitude, being content, and trusting in Christ’s love. She ends the book with a reminder that all these things must be built upon Christ. Without Him, there is no abundance. Each chapter has questions to ponder. I enjoyed this book more than her 21 Days Closer to Christ. This is probably because it is a little more focused and cohesive.
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Good reminders of ways to look at what we have and be grateful.