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Emily Freeman

Emily Freeman
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Books by Emily Freeman


Love Life and See Good Days (2000)

This book was exactly what I needed to read. The content was timely for my life, so I really enjoyed it. The style of writing is simple and easy to understand, so you could sit down and read through this book in a day or two. The author shared some great stories that I could definitely relate to....

Love Life and See Good Days (2000) by Emily Freeman

The Promise of Enough: Seven Principles of True Abundance (2009)

It has been a long time since I have read a book through tears. It doesn't work very well. This book was so inspiring. I had a tough time getting it though. It had been shelved wrong at the library and had been missing for about three months. I tried to get it through inter-library loan and i...

The Promise of Enough: Seven Principles of True Abundance (2009) by Emily Freeman

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