About book The Nature Principle: Human Restoration And The End Of Nature-Deficit Disorder (2011)
Louv develops his arguments from "Last Children in the Woods" (and if you read one of his books, that's the one), asserting that Nature Deficit Disorder afflicts everyone and lies at the root of many social and environmental problems. He pushes for social networking as a means to remedy this situation from the family and neighborhood level. Thr issue is profoundly important and yet I found the book kind of redundant after awhile and, like many non-fiction books, could have been done more effectively as a magazine essay. A good read, but it did not blow my mind like Last Child in the Woods. That said, Louv's research is unparalleled, and he has again given me heavy stuff to chew on both personally and in the way I raise my children.Great quote that sums up my view on the book:"Sooner or later, a school of higher education--perhaps a school that teaches teachers--is going to realize the potential and create an entire program devoted to connecting people to nature. Enter this program, learn about the benefits of human restoration through the natural world, and THEN decide what profession you will choose...to apply that knowledge and intent. No matter what career is chosen as the tool to connect people to nature, this is a way to love the natural world and humanity, too, and make a living at it" (282).Holla, Richard Louv!
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Preaching to the choir, will have to redouble efforts.
I love nature, too. But this was just axe grinding.