About book Das Letzte Kind Im Wald?: Geben Wir Unseren Kindern Die Natur Zurück! (2011)
I didn't actually finish this book. I liked the beginning, and can whole-heartedly agree with his concept of being nature deficient, at least for me, especially in the middle of winter. I really feel I could seriously use a bit of nature experience about now, and I mean more than taking the dog for a walk around the block. But then he started going into details about these very idealistic social programs that would help bring people back to nature. I'm too skeptical, and too practical to be able to get too excited about them. Besides, my major interest, especially after my longing for picnics, and long walks in the woods was aroused, is with how to be able to get more nature into my life. Right now. Alas, he didn't seem to have the answer for that. Enjoyed the book for its overall argument: We have tipped the scales too far in favor of technology and disengaging from nature presents a host of negative consequences. Louv touched on many interesting topics, like nature-based medicine, green therapy, urban wildlife and the future of conservation. Each chapter was a summary of one of the major topics, which meant none of the topics was discussed fully.
Do You like book Das Letzte Kind Im Wald?: Geben Wir Unseren Kindern Die Natur Zurück! (2011)?
This book skims ideas but doesn't delve into any of them deeply. I was disappointed in it.
Didn't really finish. But came close enough that I'm going to give myself credit.
Great reminder to get outside and walk away from the laptop
Probably a book that marks a new direction in my life.