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The Lighthouse Keepers (2008)

The Lighthouse Keepers (2008)

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3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
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0810970708 (ISBN13: 9780810970700)
Harry N. Abrams

About book The Lighthouse Keepers (2008)

This is the final book in The Lighthouse Trilogy. Jamie has brought back his love from the planet they are visiting as well as his mom and best friend and cousin. What Jamie and others didn't realize was that they also brought back one of the most evil people from the planet to earth also. There are also psychics that are sensing that Jamie is evil and must be killed. In order to avoid being killed they barely escape with the "Salmon" back to the other planet again to find it in war again. This is the worst well-written book ever. Adrian McKinty's ability to be in a single moment and explore it with depth and beauty remains, but the entire series suffered from two repeating and irredeemable faults, an incessant pleading to make itself pop-culture-cool and an overtly clever author's reliance on one of the worst young adult fantasy tropes ever conceived (the unremarkable (white) visitor from another world saving a nation of infantile morons who somehow managed to cobble together a somewhat-advanced civilization).

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For professional review. Fans of the series will want to know how the trilogy ends.

I don't think any book can be more boring than this.

I really enjoyed this trilogy!

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