This is the final book in The Lighthouse Trilogy. Jamie has brought back his love from the planet they are visiting as well as his mom and best friend and cousin. What Jamie and others didn't realize was that they also brought back one of the most evil people from the planet to earth also. The...
Heroin addict & Pub quizz whizz, Alexander Lawson. Lawsons habit controls his exsistance and the pace of life in the bay town Carrickfergus. At 24 Lawson is washed up, a failed stint as a dectective in Belfasts drugs squad (for obivious reasons) has left the erstwhile coppers once brightly burnin...
Молодой гопник из Белфаста Майкл Форсайт пытался завязать с прошлым, отправившись служить в британскую армию, но вскоре избил штатского и был уволен на гражданку за плохое поведение. Потом ему отказали в пособии по безработице (соседи, сволочи, настучали), после чего парню не оставалось другого п...