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The Lamp (2003)

The Lamp (2003)

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DreamHouse Publishing

About book The Lamp (2003)

Jim Stovall has accomplished writing a simple, somewhat predictable, uplifting story!Stanley and Lisa are going through a tough time in their marriage after the tragic loss of their only child. With the help of a few strangers, they find how to live again. If you "just believe" is a running theme and brings them back to each other. The challenge of the three wishes makes them realize what they have and could have again.I enjoyed this book! I would like to see the movie! watch the movie! Jim Stovall's The Lamp was a good read. At times I felt as if the book was written purposely for a middle school kid. It was very simple, to the point, and I felt it was missing a lot of details that would have been pertinent to the story line. The message of the story was great, and moving. I heard that Mr. Stovall movies are incredibly good and I am excited to watch the movie.

Do You like book The Lamp (2003)?

I enjoyed the plot, but the story was very predictable and the dialogue cheesy.

An inspirational story.

Sappy, sweet, short.

Just believe!

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