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Jim Stovall

Jim Stovall
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.76

Books by Jim Stovall


The Lamp (2003)

Jim Stovall has accomplished writing a simple, somewhat predictable, uplifting story!Stanley and Lisa are going through a tough time in their marriage after the tragic loss of their only child. With the help of a few strangers, they find how to live again. If you "just believe" is a running theme...

The Lamp (2003) by Jim Stovall

The Ultimate Gift (2001)

This book has the perfect title. My mother gave it to me last week and I had it finished in an hour and a half. Never before have I come across a book so powerful and profound, yet unbelievably simple that inspired me to address life in a different way. After putting it down I could not stop the ...

The Ultimate Gift (2001) by Jim Stovall

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