Oh. My. Soul. This is a fantastic book! It really makes you question the worth of holding grudges and opportunities lost. So hard to put down once you get into it. I did find that the end of the book seemed to be somewhat rushed while other sections followed too much detail, but that is purely a reader's preference. The story is very involved and it is refreshing to follow the entire life of the character instead of just popping in for a glimpse of a few years or events. Knowing and understanding the thoughts and decisions and then seeing the long-term effects of those decisions is very rewarding. Definitely a fireside book!!
One of your typical romance novels. Young girl as child out of wedlock. Parents say the child is theirs so young girl, Tessa is able to continue on the become an international movie star. Child, Maggie, evenually finds out truth and breaks ties from Tessa. Tessa regreats what has happened, but does nothing till a life altering crisis makes Tessa want to reunite with Maggie. Tessa wishes to sell all her jewels that she obtained, that is where you get the title of the book. The Jewels of Tessa Kent. Read the book to find out why Tessa wishes to reunite with Maggie or I'd be giving away to mush of the story.
Hadn't read Krantz in a very long time...she is a good writer, just not usually my style. But this is a good story of a flawed woman who became a famous actress, married to a fabulously wealthy man & recipient of millions in jewels from him. When she gets cancer, she decides to auction them for cancer research dollars. Finding her way back to the daughter she'd had & abandoned to others to raise becomes her goal. Some gratuitous sex, but otherwise a good one.
—Suzanne Cooper
It was a little disturbing that the author, an elderly woman, would use the word "cock" instead of "penis" "manhood" or "family jewels". And if the word "darling" was written one more time when referring to another person, I was gonna scream! No one says darling that much! And I certainly wouldnt want anyone calling me darling that much other than a grandparent. The book was nothing but dramatic and I could see where the book was heading. Nothing surprising. Very disappointed in this book, it could have been amazing...but...
—Meghan Dugan