I read this book for my Trash Book Club, where each of us got to choose our own Judith Krantz novel. In retrospect, I wish I'd picked one of Krantz's more 'famous' novels, such as Scruples or Princess Daisy or I'll Take Manhattan...but alas, I had purchased this novel at a used book store, and I figured a Krantz is a Krantz is a Krantz.The novel is called Dazzle. So is the building in which the main character is employed. One would surmise, then, that the novel is about the place of work. No, it is not. It appears that Krantz was so enamoured with the title of the business that it doubled as the title of the novel. In fact, Dazzle (the business) is a tiny tiny part of the story, which surrounds (mostly) a dispute over an inheritance, and the preceding events that lead up to the squabble. As a gay man, I realize that I am not Krantz's targeted demographic, but I still enjoyed the story enough to push through. I even found her scenes of eroticism fairly titillating. But this is probably the first, and last, Krantz novel that I'll read.
Mi è piaciuto tanto tanto. "Conquisterò Manhattan" non mi aveva convinto per niente, mentre con questo romanzo ho ritrovato la Krantz che conoscevo. Sarà che adoro le saghe familiari in cui passato e presente si intrecciano, e la Krantz sa sapientemente narrare tutte le dinamiche del cuore, dall'odio all'amore, dalla vendetta al perdono, dalla sensualità all'indifferenza. Fin da subito ho adorato Jazz, il suo caratterino e il suo attaccamento al padre e al ranch, davvero commovente. E poi mi piace da morire quando un personaggio passa molte esperienze e storie prima di arrivare a riconoscere il vero amore, quello che ti completa e ti rende felice. Jazz mi rimarrà nel cuore, così come Kilkullen Ranch.
Do You like book Dazzle (1994)?
This was probably the most useless book I've ever read. It had way too much useless back story that didn't really pertain to anything, and it could have been about 300 pages shorter. The interesting part of the book didn't start until there was about 150 pages and only six chapters left. There was a lot of unnecessary randomness in the book like Fernanda's lesbian affair with Georgina and Liddy's affair with Deems White, the closeted Governor of California. Not to mention, Juanita Isabella is ab