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The Human (2013)

The Human (2013)

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0615827705 (ISBN13: 9780615827704)

About book The Human (2013)

Here Eve's story continues.She's accepted that she's different. She's trying her best to become more human. Her newfound emotions are overwhelming. And on top of all that she had to deal with West's contamination and his obsession with Eve.Eve has acknoledged her feeling for Avian for what they are: love, but she's feeling guilty towards West. But West has changed: he's bitter and angry. He's been contaminated, he went trhough decontamination with the Extractor (an excruciately painful treatment) with partial success so he has to go through decontamination every two weeks which wipes his short term memory, Eve has chosen Avian over him... He has a lot to deal with and he does it as a young adult he is: with bitterness, anger and vengeance.Avian has to deal with lot of things too. He's afraid that Eve's new-dicovered emotions are too much for her, but he's also gealous of West and West's constant harassment. But that's not enough: even with a new-found peace in New Eden, the Bane are not destoryed and are still a menace. On top of that there's the arriavl of a strange group to be dealt with.In this story we have everything: new dangers, betrayal, love, madness, fighting... Be aware that the book ends with a cliffhanger. A huge one! I just finished the second book in the Eden trilogy called “The Human.” The series is a dystopian world where modern technology and medical science has created a virus that was meant for good, but has mutated in a way that is going to destroy all human life. The main character is a strong female, Eve, who is willing to fight and die for their colony of humans to survive. I loved the first, “Bane” and the second just as much. I have also read the short prequel “Ashes” and a short story, “Raid” they are all great and am impatiently waiting for the last book “Eve.” These books are intended for YA, and are suitable. There is a lot of violence so I recommend for readers 15 and up. I give this book 5 stars.

Do You like book The Human (2013)?

The second book was just as good if not better than the first. Can't wait or the next one.

I'm so glad this became a trilogy!

Leaves you wanting more!!!

I love this series so far.

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