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The Honeymoon Period (2014)

The Honeymoon Period (2014)

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1499322151 (ISBN13: 9781499322156)
Create Space Independent Publishing Platform

About book The Honeymoon Period (2014)

Oh boy! What an emotional rollercoaster!!! Mia made big strides in terms of her matureness, in my opinion. She seemed to settle down with her childish ways, most of the times but sometimes her true age showed and I was qiuckly reminded, again, thats she's young. Now Gabe, as much as I love him, made me shake my head. I dont know whats got him so hot and cold. I feel they both argue over the same issues and it never gets resolved and it makes me want to pull my hair out. I still love him though. I think if the characters were written ad an older age, then it wouldnt bother me so much. Oh issue :)I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHO THIS MURDERER IS!!!! I feel I think I know who but Im just not sure.I hope these two get their issues resolved because they can be so good together.All in all I am happy with the way Mia is growing as a person in a relationship and hope she continues to do so. Amazing and totally addictive. Some series tend to run out of steam by the second or third book, not the Austin Series! Book four if anything steps up the drama, turns up the heat and had me laughing even harder. After the cliff hanger from book three, roles are reversed and this time it’s Mia’s turn to prove just how much she loves Gabe. I have fallen in love with these characters, Fallowfield has an amazing way of making you feel like you’re living their lives with them. Seriously addictive reading.I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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