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Forever & An Engine (2014)

Forever & an Engine (2014)

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4.3 of 5 Votes: 1
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1497460700 (ISBN13: 9781497460706)

About book Forever & An Engine (2014)

This book was given to me for an honest review.2.5 starsThis is the third book in the installment of the austin series. I truly loved the first two books, but could not get into the third book. In this book I felt the author made mia way too whiny. I couldn't connect to her like I did in the first two. Gabe was off in this book also. I love his take charge attitude but he lost it in this book. At points it felt that he was the girl in the story. Lexi is the only one that seemed to grow up more in this book and she is the one that saved this book for me. In the first two books there was more of a story line, but in this one it was more about sex. I also felt I was rereading things over and over again just in different text. What saved this book from a two star was the last chapter, it made me look forward to reading the next book. I am truly hoping that the next book gets back to how the characters were before.I do like this series I'm just a little frustrated with this book. I need to know what happens in this series and will continue to read it. Sent from my NOOK Omg I don't even know where to start! This series just keeps getting better and better!!!! Gabe Austin is definitely a new book boyfriend for me! He's such a good, caring, controlling, romantic (I could go on forever) hunk!! The relationship between him and Mia is unreal! They have this special connection that every couple should have! And then there's Doug and Lexi! I really like Lexi too! She's my kind of friend! Tells it like it is! There are so many parts that I love about this book I just Don't have enuff time because I NEED to continue on to the next book but however I will say this is a MUST read!!!!WARNING........TOTALLY ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!

Do You like book Forever & An Engine (2014)?

HOLY MOLY!!!! This story is off the charts! I am so addicted to this series, it is my drug!

Intense, sexy, witty...great combo!


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