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The Hidden White House: Harry Truman And The Reconstruction Of America's Most Famous Residence (2013)

The Hidden White House: Harry Truman and the Reconstruction of America's Most Famous Residence (2013)

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1250000270 (ISBN13: 9781250000279)
Thomas Dunne Books

About book The Hidden White House: Harry Truman And The Reconstruction Of America's Most Famous Residence (2013)

In 1948 while President, the piano in the bedroom of Harry Truman's daughter nearly crashed through the floor onto the floor below. Subsequent engineering studies revealed that the entire White House was in extreme danger of complete collapse unless immediate and drastic repair work was done. Robert Klara's book describes the history of the White House, the travails of Harry, Bess and Margaret Truman during their first years of dealing with living in a dilapidated, run down building, the discovery of the building's dire condition, and the efforts taken to completely gut the inside and rebuild the White House from the inside out. The story describes the Truman's 3-year exile to the Blair House, the assassination attempt on the President by Puerto Rican nationalists in front of Blair House and the costs of the rebuilding while at war in South Korea. A fascinating and detailed story of the most famous house in the United States and the efforts to save it by President Truman and the men and women committed to the White House. An outstanding book about a forgotten part of U.S. history. How many know that only about 20% of the WH is original? How many know that many of the parts taken from the WH are buried under a softball field in VA? How many know that until 1948 there were burnt timbers from the burning of the WH (from the War of 1812) still supporting some of the structure? The information goes on and on. Again, very informative book and a pleasure to read.

Do You like book The Hidden White House: Harry Truman And The Reconstruction Of America's Most Famous Residence (2013)?

Great book. I had no idea the White House was in such bad shape by the 1940s.

Very good book - a snapshot of the US 1948-1952. Well worth the time.

GR Giveaway win.

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