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FDR's Funeral Train: A Betrayed Widow, A Soviet Spy, And A Presidency In The Balance (2010)

FDR's Funeral Train: A Betrayed Widow, a Soviet Spy, and a Presidency in the Balance (2010)

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0230619142 (ISBN13: 9780230619142)
Palgrave Macmillan Trade

About book FDR's Funeral Train: A Betrayed Widow, A Soviet Spy, And A Presidency In The Balance (2010)

Fascinating, detail-rich chronology of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's final trip — the train trip of his body from his vacation home in Warm Springs, Ga., to Washington, D.C., and then from D.C. to his burial in Hyde Park, N.Y., that is. Among the nuggets are details about the presence of Roosevelt's mistress at Warm Springs, the presence of a White House-employed Communist spy on the train to Hyde Park, and the machinations of us-vs-them as the Truman team begins to take over from the Roosevelt folks. An engaging point of view of the events surrounding the death of FDR; with the emphasis on how the Presidents' train took on a new importance as his funeral train; that bore his body, his widow, and myriad of his inner circle back to Washington from Warm Springs; and on to his final resting place at Hyde Park. The author knits together the "personalities" of the train cars themselves; the workings of the various railroads involved in the 700 mile trip; the emotions; political intrigue; and more, that were thrown together in the confines of the Pullman cars. Good read....would recommend.

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We'll written historical account of this sad event in nations history

Interesting. Lots of detail regarding trains. Well written.

Interesting read about the days surrounding FDRs death.

I was very interested in this book, but just very dry.

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