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The Goddess Rules (2006)

The Goddess Rules (2006)

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0345463412 (ISBN13: 9780345463418)
ballantine books

About book The Goddess Rules (2006)

I wasn't sure what I was getting when I chose the audiobook of The Goddess Rules. I was looking for something "chick lit" and something with a bit of romance to it, because I'd been being far too practical lately.The Goddess Rules delivers completely. Set in England (a nice surprise as I started listening), The Goddess Rules tells the story of twenty-nine year old Kate Disney. An artist who makes her living painting animal portraits, Kate lives in the converted garden shed on her friend Leonard's estate in Primrose Hill. Not the typical starving artist, Kate's saving money to buyt a flat with her boyfriend, musician Jake. The problem is that Jake is a cad, refusing to completely commit to Kate.Enter Mirabelle Moncur (Mirri), an aging, but still beautiful and sexy and oh-so-French former screen goddess. Mirri commissions Kate to paint a portrait of a lion cub Mirri has adopted. After an awkward start, Kate and Mirri become friends. Mirri has always been a free spirit, forging her own path and collecting and discarding lovers along the way. Mirri helps Kate see Jake's flaws and tells Kate, in no uncertain terms, that she can do so much better than him.The adventures unfold as Kate becomes more sure of herself, more open, and embarks on a journey that might lead her to her true love. Aside from the main story, there are enjoyable subplots, including the plight of Kate's best friend, and Mirri's long lost love.I got more out of The Goddess Rules than I do a lot of other chick lit books. I think first it is because of the characterization. Mirri is strong and sexy and confident and plays by no one's rules but her own. Yet, she's vulnerable, afraid to take the steps that could reunite her with the one who got away. Kate, too, comes across as authentic. She's insecure about the same things a lot of us are, like when we feel like all our friends are miles ahead of us in "life". And while she wallows in self pity a bit, she also learns to take charge of her life and her decisions.Mirri shows Kate how to enjoy life, to enjoy men. She helps Kate see that there's so much more to life than just what Kate was experiencing. She teaches Kate to live in the moment, to enjoy the small experiences. And most importantly, to listen to her heart and be true to herself. Kate, in turn, teachers Mirri that Mirri is not the center of the universe. She brings out a compassionate side to Mirri. When Mirri is too afraid to look up her old flame, the only man she's ever really loved, Kate steps in and encourages her.All in all, I found The Goddess Rules to be an enjoyable listen. I'll definitely check out more Clare Naylor.

From a blog post I wrote in 2005:If you're not into Chick Lit, read no further as Clare Naylor's latest book is just that. British Chick Lit to boot.The protagonist is a youngish painter of animal portraits in London called Kate Disney. Kate's trying to get over a bad boy boyfriend whom all of her friends loathe but to whom she's completely addicted. Into Kate's life appears French actress Mirabelle Moncur, a sex symbol from the 60s who's still got it and wants to show Kate that Kate's got it, too. The two form an unlikely friendship, our heroine makes a bunch of stupid choices (common for the genre) but everyone does live happily ever after.This was a perfect book to read on a lazy holiday afternoon.

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My review for Armchair Interviews:Kate Disney has her life all figured out--a job that she loves (well, painting pet portraits isn't exactly her passion); a loving boyfriend (well, Jake's unfaithful ways leave a bit to be desired); and a fabulous home (well, technically she lives in the shed behind her friend's lavish home).Kate is content to move blindly through life, that is, until Mirabelle Moncur, a larger-than-life cinema diva, breezes into her life and opens her eyes to a whole new world. Mirri is elegant and brash and says exactly what is on her mind. She introduces Kate to the goddess lifestyle. Everyone has a lot of growing pains in store when Kate walks the line between goddess and plebeian.The Goddess Rules is a fun romp with some truly hilarious scenes. Mirri's fabulous over-the-top life provides most of the humor in the book. The most engrossing part of the book, though, is seeing the surprising relationship develop between two very unlikely friends.Though Kate and Mirri couldn't be more different, they have much to teach each other and much to discover is truly the same between them.As is typical for chick lit, The Goddess Rules provides a lighthearted look at finding love and discovering yourself. Truly empowering!
—Maria (Ri)

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