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Clare Naylor

Clare Naylor
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Books by Clare Naylor


Love: A User's Guide: A Novel of Romance with Attitude (2004)

It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book this bad. And when I say bad I mean stinky bad- filled with clunky writing, unrealistic characters, stupid plot. So I’m lying a bit when I count it as a book I’ve actually read- mostly I skimmed.Amy works for Vogue in London. She’s beautiful and smart ...

Love: A User's Guide: A Novel of Romance with Attitude (2004) by Clare Naylor

The Goddess Rules (2006)

I wasn't sure what I was getting when I chose the audiobook of The Goddess Rules. I was looking for something "chick lit" and something with a bit of romance to it, because I'd been being far too practical lately.The Goddess Rules delivers completely. Set in England (a nice surprise as I started ...

The Goddess Rules (2006) by Clare Naylor

The First Assistant: A Continuing Tale from Behind the Hollywood Curtain (2006)

Combine one part Hollywood Car Wash, one part Devil Wears Prada, and 2 parts Hollywood blackmail mixed with the Oscars and you have yourself the First Assistant. This book wasn't as good of a read as The Second Assistant, and that for me was disappointing because I really enjoyed the first book. ...

The First Assistant: A Continuing Tale from Behind the Hollywood Curtain (2006) by Clare Naylor

The Second Assistant: A Tale from the Bottom of the Hollywood Ladder (2005)

It wasn't entirely the book's fault I didn't finish it: I made it to page 254 before I left on a trip that I could not take this hardcover along. I was pushing myself to finish but, truth be told, after a book of different characters, I no longer felt compelled to find out what happened to the ch...

The Second Assistant: A Tale from the Bottom of the Hollywood Ladder (2005) by Clare Naylor

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