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The Ghost Horse: A True Story Of Love, Death, And Redemption (2013)

The Ghost Horse: A True Story of Love, Death, and Redemption (2013)

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3.65 of 5 Votes: 5
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0312643322 (ISBN13: 9780312643324)
St. Martin's Press

About book The Ghost Horse: A True Story Of Love, Death, And Redemption (2013)

I have never heard of Tim Snyder or Lisa's Booby Trap until now. What a wonderful story. I love a feel good story that just warms the heart and leaves me with a big smile on my face. This is what this book did for me. Mr. Snyder and Lisa's Booby Trap needed each other but did not know it until they were united. I have always had a place in my heart for horses. Although I am not as horse crazy as Mr. Snyder or his wife, Lisa was herself. She was truly born to ride horses. Even though I have never met the Snyder's I do believe that Lisa did make good on her promise to come back as a horse in her new life. This book shows that if you have patience, the will, a big heart, and love that you can achieve anything. I mean it is incredible that Lisa's Booby Trap won her first race. She just needed someone to show her she could do it. I read this book in a matter of a few hours. This book is a keeper. Horse lovers will enjoy reading this book. I won this book from goodreads! I truly enjoyed reading about a "true story" of how powerful love is when it finds us. Such a beautiful story of a husband and wifes love for one another, as well as the love we have for the animals in our lives. We are taken on the not so beautiful events in life through Tim's unnurtured childhood to Lisa's battle with her health. Their will to fight and survive is inspirational!

Do You like book The Ghost Horse: A True Story Of Love, Death, And Redemption (2013)?

Great true story. There were times I was hoping for more, but overall a very good book.

Very disappointing but would be very enjoyable if your a racing fan

This. Book had a sliver of the excitement of Seabiscuit.

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