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Joe Layden

Joe Layden
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Books by Joe Layden


The Ghost Horse: A True Story of Love, Death, and Redemption (2013)

I have never heard of Tim Snyder or Lisa's Booby Trap until now. What a wonderful story. I love a feel good story that just warms the heart and leaves me with a big smile on my face. This is what this book did for me. Mr. Snyder and Lisa's Booby Trap needed each other but did not know it until th...

The Ghost Horse: A True Story of Love, Death, and Redemption (2013) by Joe Layden

There and Back Again: An Actor's Tale (2004)

I had once read an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow where she explained how she places her films into two categories: good films and bad films. She seemed honest, but ungrateful, about her entire career. I remember finding her unattractive and boring, disappointed someone could lose so much perspec...

There and Back Again: An Actor's Tale (2004) by Joe Layden

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