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The Forgotten Warrior (2009)

The Forgotten Warrior (2009)

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4.07 of 5 Votes: 1
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1598115510 (ISBN13: 9781598115512)
Covenant Communications, Inc.

About book The Forgotten Warrior (2009)

This book is AWESOME!!!!!! It's kind of like Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, but it's really cool:) It's about a girl named Syd (short for Sydney) who is transported back to the time of Helaman and the Stripling Warriors. Her Mom was just diagnosed with cancer, her Dad left their family when she was a kid, and her sister has some mental problems. Any way, she's transported back to those times, where she falls for this Nephite warrior guy, Tarik. She teaches black belt karate to the Nephite warriors and then learns how to handle some stuff on her own:) Then battle comes. Tarik's little brother is captured and her and Tarik go to try and get him. Battle is upon them as they get him out of there. Tarik leaves her to go fight and she carries the little boy out and takes him to his mother. She then goes back and fights in the battle. Afterwards she learns that Tarik was captured in battle. That's where it ends......can't wait for the next book!!!!!! Transported back in time to the days of Captain Helaman and his 2,000 stripling warriors, black belt Sydney Morgan finds herself training the faithful worriors for battle all while battling her growing feelings for one warrior in particular. With her mother suffering from cancer, her sister with a learning disability and confronting a father who walked out on her family years ago, can she find the strength to overcome her own battles? Another skipper. Sorry, just could not get past the inane idea of a black belt girl training the stripling warriors. Dumb!

Do You like book The Forgotten Warrior (2009)?

It was a pretty good read....I want more though. THere better be a sequel!

I LOVED this book!!! you all should totally read it!

This is a great book, just wish there was a sequel.


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