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Kathi Oram Peterson

Kathi Oram Peterson
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3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.75

Books by Kathi Oram Peterson


The Forgotten Warrior (2009)

This book is AWESOME!!!!!! It's kind of like Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, but it's really cool:) It's about a girl named Syd (short for Sydney) who is transported back to the time of Helaman and the Stripling Warriors. Her Mom was just diagnosed with cancer, her Dad left their family when she...

The Forgotten Warrior (2009) by Kathi Oram Peterson

River Whispers (2011)

I don't think I've ever given a book one star before. I'll admit I read the first third waiting for the book to get captivating, but it never did. I completely skipped the middle third and very briefly skimmed the last third. I realized I would have been just fine not knowing "who did it." The pr...

River Whispers (2011) by Kathi Oram Peterson

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