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The Face-Changers (1999)

The Face-Changers (1999)

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4.11 of 5 Votes: 3
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0804115400 (ISBN13: 9780804115407)
ivy books

About book The Face-Changers (1999)

What a terrific story! What an exciting book! Well written! Well plotted! Suspenseful! Surprising! The best Thomas Perry novel I've read!This is the fourth book in the Jane Whitfield series. Jane is now married to Dr. Carey McKinnon and is no longer "guiding" fugitives and helping them disappear. It's an essential part of her agreement with Carey when they wed. Receiving an urgent phone call from her husband brings her to a hospital full of police. Carey asks her to help his patient, Dr. Dahlman, a brilliant surgeon, Carey's mentor and an accused murderer to escape the hospital and disappear until his innocense can be established. As the story unfolds, she learns that others have pretended to be her, and are destroying the lives of those they are supposed to be helping, draining all their assets in the process. The plot then focuses on Jane as she tries to unravel the fiendish system that those imitating her have built. Her ability to empathize with both the victims and the victimizers helps her negotiate her way through the dangers she encounters. Her Seneca background, intensity and focus serve her well throughout the story.Eventually the various elements converge at the end bringing a satisfying closure to the separate story lines. Perry saves a couple surprises for the end for a payoff that also satisfies. I loved the book and highly recommend it.

This book is part of a formulaic franchise, but it is a really good franchise. This, the fourth installment of the series, contains the usual twists and turns, and the head lawman reminds me a bit of the Tommy Lee Jones character from the movie version of The Fugitive. Anyone who takes as many risks as Jane would be dead ten times over in the real world, but she manages to stay alive. One of the things I like about her character is that, as smart as she is, she regularly makes mistakes. One would hope that she would quit while she is ahead, but because there are several more books in the series, I know that is not going to happen.

Do You like book The Face-Changers (1999)?

Jane Whitfield is a Native American who rescues people in need and takes the out of the world. She helps them escape from people trying to hurt them and gives them a new life as someone else. In the Face-Cangers, she is asked to go back to work by her husband and help his old mentor.Jane never took money but tells her people that someday they will be ina position to help her. In this book,she discovers people who do what she does but charge large amounts of money .She needs to unmask them in order to save herself, her husband and the man she is helping from the law.I enjoyed the book and look foward to the next book in the series.

It was so terrific to be reacquainted with Jane Whitefield! It's so nice to visit with old friends, no? This particular novel seemed to have a more convoluted plot than others, but that could be just my memory [failing]. Jane thought she was out of the game, that she'd left her "runners" in order to devote herself to hearth & home, family (quite extended) and husband. Not so. Good thing she didn't have time to get too rusty. Somehow, Jane's husband "gets it" when she leaves for weeks at a time. I'm not sure I needed quite so much detail re clambering over a roof, despite fear, and other such things. (In fact, later, Jane goes leaping about high up almost willy-nilly, which is much more satisfying.) Despite the complicated plot and excess detail, Jane and Violet are as wonderful as ever. Minor Spoiler Here--When Jane learns that her hubby is in a bit of trouble (despite all her teaching, his ethics/morals wouldn't let him run out on patients in need or tell the lie that would have bought him time), Jane--hold onto your seat--does not go running to his side!!! She actually assumes her husband is a competent adult and that he can deal with trouble until she's finished doing what has to be done at her end. Jane Whitefiled rocks!

This was a really unusual thriller that I really enjoyed. This is actually the 4th in the series of Jane Whitefield novels -- I'll need to find the others in the series. Jane Whitefield is a legendary half-Indian (Seneca) shadow guide who spirits hunted people away from certain death... In this one she is trying to save the life of a prominent doctor who was framed for the murder of one of his colleagues after performing plastic surgery on a man who disappears. A group of baddies are using Jane's MO to con people into giving up their wealth. I found Jane to be a great protagonist and enjoyed how she uses her native American mentality to stay steps ahead of her pursuers. I would give this one a high recommendation!

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