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Dance For The Dead (1997)

Dance for the Dead (1997)

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4.11 of 5 Votes: 2
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0804114250 (ISBN13: 9780804114257)
ivy books

About book Dance For The Dead (1997)

My library is doing a discussion series on "Native American Mysteries" so that's how I was introduced to this book and this author. Thank you, Parsons Public Library! It was a very interesting read that will have me looking for the rest of the series.Jane Whitefield, a member of the Seneca tribe, helps people disappear. Or in the case of the boy she was helping, she needed to make someone reappear at just the right time. Unfortunately, while getting him into the courtroom to prove he wasn't dead, several people were killed and Jane ended up in jail. When she is released by the judge, a former cellmate comes to her for help.The book is a tale of how to make someone disappear while very powerful interests are trying to find them. I found that to be very interesting because much of what Jane does is not possible today in the post-911 world. It really pointed up to me how much has changed in the current climate of anti-terrorism laws! The cross-country treks of Jane and her client are fast paced and kept my interest from the beginning. The bad guy is really bad and there are a few scenes that will be disturbing to some. They are confined to one section of the story and could be skipped without missing much. Jane's native American background is mainly shown through dreams that she has that help guide her a bit and they were a little too drawn out for me. I skimmed those sections and didn't feel like I missed much. Over all, this was a good picture of a woman who fully embraces her native American heritage while being completely contemporary.

i would like to thank mike for leading me to this series, which i like to distraction. i'd give this book five stars if i hadn't given five stars to Portrait of a Lady and such other masterpieces. if goodreads allowed six stars, this novel would get five stars, for sure. there is a brief and, as such things go, mild torture scene towards the end that blew me away. perry describes the tortured person's psychological evolution and eventual descent into psychosis in such a sensitive, intelligent, and informed fashion, that if you know anything about trauma-related psychic pain (and by know i mean know), you will be chilled and moved and blown away.i love jane whitefield. i want to keep on reading about her. i have no interest, however, in meeting her, having her for dinner, or going to the movies with her. i want her to remain firmly ensconced inside perry's books, and i want perry to keep on writing about her as a lithe but steely presence in the vast human, urban, and natural scapes of the united states of america.

Do You like book Dance For The Dead (1997)?

Didn't finish it... I wanted to give the author another chance. I get the impression he would rather be writing Native American history books. He did a better job of mixing the genres in this book, than in the first. At leas in this one the main character was DREAMING the historical stuff, not looking over a ridge and seeing it... Jarring until you finally realize that she was imagining it not REALLY seeing it. Distracting. Now though, she has such vivid and coherent dreams that they are their own story within the story, but are also distracting because all I can think is I've NEVER had a dream like that... I was okay with it all until we had to get into repeated rape.... I just don't enjoy that much darkness in my mysteries....
—Tracye Quinlan

Barraclough was a former cop turned hunter, but unlike a bounty hunter, his human quarry ends up dead. Working for a big private investigation agency, he was able to masked his illegal activities. After working with an embezzler to illegally acquire the inheritance of a small boy, he tried to have him kidnapped and killed, but only succeeded in having the people protecting the boy killed. Only Jane Whitefield survived the attack outside an LA courtroom. A sympathetic judge released Jane and secured protection for the boy.On the way out of LA, Jane spirited a young woman away from a group of men who were following her. After they got away, Jane found out the woman was an embezzler, and after putting her up safely in another city, left her and continued on her way back home.The last few chapters reads like one of those Charles Bronson/Clint Eastwood movies, but does not in any way detract from the plot.

Thomas Perry's Jane Whitefield # 2 "Dance For The Dead" is another excellent yarn as expected from Perry. This time out, Jane has to guide Mary Perkins off the grid, and out of the hands of some really bad guys. Once again Perry's knack for sharp and witty dialog is one of the strongest points of this novel. The characters he has created are almost life like, and have some colorful names such as, Mr. Barraclough, Cyrus Curbstone, Mona Turley, and Timmy Phillips. Yes,in "Dance For The Dead" Jane Whitefield must lead Mary Perkins through some very rough, and deadly situations. The plot is intense and reads very quickly. There were so few places I wanted to stop and put it down. Thomas Perry is a master story teller ,and it's fantastic to just get lost within one of his books ! Oh yes 5 stars out of 5 without any doubt. If you haven't ready any of Thomas Perry's Jane Whitefield books you're missing a huge treat. My recommendation would be to grab the first one, and start tearing through them. Jane Whitefield is an amazing protagonist to be entertained by. This thriller series would be a great shame to miss out on. Hurry,pick up one of Perry's Jane Whitefield's books, and you'll not be sorry. !

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