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The Edge Of Nowhere By Elizabeth George (2013)

The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George (2013)

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1444719971 (ISBN13: 9781444719970)
Hodder & Stoughton

About book The Edge Of Nowhere By Elizabeth George (2013)

Becca King has been abandoned. She doesn't know it. She thinks her mother has left her to stay with a friend and will be back to pick her up when things are more under control. But the friend has died. And when Becca tries to call her mother over the next few days there is never an answer.Becca must find a way to survive until she figures out what to do. She finds help within the small, close-knit town of Whidby Island in Washington State. But people are suspicious of her. And what if her abusive step father finds out where she is?The reason I don't mention the main characters "psychic ability" is that the story line didn't need it. It was a really good story without it. This starts well and is quite a complicated narrative with elements of supernatural powers but not so that it overwhelms the whole story. The focus is on the characters. There is a storyline resolved in this book but other storylines are set up to carry onto to the next book. This makes for interest and excitement but also is satisfying because there is resolution. Becca is an interesting character with several other key characters that add to the whole mystery of the Whidbey Island. A good read and I am looking forward to the next instalment.

Do You like book The Edge Of Nowhere By Elizabeth George (2013)?

I wanted to like the story but it was implausible, Why didn't she ask for help?

Definitely makes you want to keep reading. Read in one sitting.

Einmalig !! Jetzt muss schnell Teil 2 her !!

Absolutely awful. Could not finish.

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