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The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper In Even The Toughest Times (2009)

The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times (2009)

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0307407136 (ISBN13: 9780307407139)
Crown Business

About book The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper In Even The Toughest Times (2009)

Of all the personal finance books I've read, this one spoke to me. I love all the stats analyzing the behaviors of people at different levels of wealth. Now I'm looking at my own behaviors and realizing that there are ways I am not engaging with life that could benefit me -- ways that have nothing to do with finances but that do, according to Chatzky's research, end up influencing one's financial well-being. This is a good combination of simple financial recommendations and current social-psychological studies done on successful and not so successful people in the financial arena.I liked the recommendation she made regarding buying index funds. She suggests getting 3 index funds - domestic stock market index funds, bond market index funds, and an international stock market index fund. Recommends going to to find out ones with low fees. Asset allocation for early retirement (60s to 70s):35% Stock index10% International Stock Index40% Bond Market Index Fund15% Cash or Money Market Fund.

Do You like book The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper In Even The Toughest Times (2009)?

It doesn't have too many original concepts, but it was still great to read about it.

I found this book a little boring, interesting at times, but nothing more.

somewhat interesting topic, but for a financial book it was just alright.

Easy read from library, good tips.

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