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Money Rules: The Simple Path To Lifelong Security (2012)

Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security (2012)

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1609618602 (ISBN13: 9781609618605)
Rodale Books

About book Money Rules: The Simple Path To Lifelong Security (2012)

This was a simple, straightforward read that should be required for every child, teenager, and adult. Jean Chatzky gives succinct advice in this one about what to do (and not do) with your hard earned money. I enjoyed it, and I am going to add it to my collection (I originally read it through my library). Great read and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in saving, keeping, and growing their money. Shooting Straight from the HipJean Chatzky may not be a CPA but she has impressive credentials: she is the financial editor for the Today Show on NBC, and a personal finance contributor for Prevention and Newsweek magazines. AND she has written two very popular books that address the masses (that is us, fellow readers) with clipped, considered, wise, informed and very useful rule for making money. While there are many similar themed books on the market at this tenuous economic time, this book instead of lecturing the reader to offer background for the development of financial advice simply gives a major rule on every page - graphically designed with varying fonts and style and some illustrations that make the book a very fast read. BUT, there is so much fine advice here that this book should remain on everyone's desk as we plow through changing the way we think about, make, save, and keep our money.Chatzky opens her book with an introduction that includes two important principles: #1 Personal finance is more personal than it is finance and #2 Money is simple -people make it complicated. She then divides her book into seven parts: Make Money; Save Money; Avoid (Most) Debt; Spend Wisely; Invest for tomorrow; Cover Your Assets; and the final Do's and Don'ts. Sprinkled through these sing page admonishments are some eye-opening thoughts - what makes us spend, why (and why we shouldn't) live beyond our means, how truly simple it is to save a bit of money each month, use cash and not credit or debit cards, do online banking so that you know where you stand every day with the click of a mouse, panning for retirement (and not touching that money saved!), how to think about investments...on and on.One of the reasons this book is so immediately accessible and helpful is that Jean Chatzky hits the nail on the head for all the little bloops we each commit. She spells it out very succinctly then moves on to more advice. She closes this exceptionally helpful little book with the following: 'Finally, try to remember that in most cases, money doesn't cause your problems. You may have a work problem, an idea problem. or a relationship problem. You don't have a money problem. But lack of money is the result. Focus on understanding and then unwinding the underlying issue - even if you didn't do anything wrong to cause it....Then use the rules - and the guiding principles - to help you find your way.' She wastes no time, but makes things very clear. Grady Harp

Do You like book Money Rules: The Simple Path To Lifelong Security (2012)?

Pretty basic...not much new here if you read magazines or keep up with headline news bites.

This was a refresher course with some new tidbits to help me out along the way.

Can't remember anything particular from this.

I wish I had read this when I was 18 or so!

Quick to read, had some good tips.

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