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The Devil Colony (2010)

The Devil Colony (2010)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 3
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0061784788 (ISBN13: 9780061784781)
William Morrow

About book The Devil Colony (2010)

I can't say that I enjoyed this one as I have with previous Sigma Force novels. The first half was slow going and not very appealing to my interests. Although the second half picked up a bit, I still didn't end the book with great pleasure. Maybe it was the whole idea of nano-technology and the threat to the world that seemed so far fetched. I definitely don't expect earth shattering work from these novels, but this one just barely hit the mark. After a disappointing experience with THE BLOOD GOSPEL, it was nice to return to the type of story JAMES ROLLINS does best - what I call archaeological thrillers. These are books that I define as having an historical archaeological event and a contemporary event running in tandem. THE DEVIL'S COLONY (ISBN 978-0061785658, paperback, $9.99) is set almost entirely in the United States from the 1790s to today with a brief sortie to Iceland's volcanic islands. Sigma Force does what it does, investigating historical events with a scientific line of inquiry.Underlying the end-of-the-world contemporary event is the role of the Native American Six Nation's contribution to the creation of the United States. Do I hear a question about this connection? Rollins makes a very strong case for that relationship. The Book of Mormon and the Lost Tribes of Israel figure prominently in the storyline. As do the Anasazi and Yellowstone National Park. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Meriwether Lewis (of Lewis and Clark) make only cameo appearances but their roles are nonetheless prominent. Rollins introduces the reader to the world of nanotechnology, volcanoes and an end-of-the-world possibility.I found myself doing extra research to see beyond what the author verifies at the beginning and end of the story. The results of this research was extraordinarily mind blowing. This from a former history major and high school history teacher. What we don't know about U.S. history is unbelievable. I strongly urge you to read this book.GO!@ BUY! READ!

Do You like book The Devil Colony (2010)?

This was good. It held my interest, though it got a little busy with the 2 track storylines.

Very exciting!! Also, lots of science and history in it. Love him!!

Loved the history, very educational, suspenseful and a lil romance!

Great book excellent research by Mr. Rollins

Ok. but it took a while to get going

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