About book The DASH Diet Action Plan: Proven To Lower Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Without Medication (2011)
The author took her nutritional advice right out of the 80's. It seems a waste to write an entire diet book using outdated concepts like "don't eat fat", "don't eat salt", or "don't eat cholesterol". Any book that tells you to eat margarine over butter has serious problems. As a side note, the audio book format was not appropriate for the chapters that outlined several weeks of daily suggested menus. There was a later chapter that read out a great many recipes that also got cumbersome to hear. My cholesterol jumped to 300+, which sent me to my family doctor for advice. After we agreed that I am not keen to start medication, she promptly recommended the DASH Diet. So far, so good. This is not an easy diet. It is very restrictive (low-fat, low sugar, hardly anything processed), so you have to be willing to cut out a lot of convenient foods. And the diet requires that you have the skills and time to shop and cook most of your meals. Some people complain that it is an expensive diet, but I think cutting out the cost of the junk food more than compensates for the expense of fresh food items. I purchased a food journal with this book, and that has been very helpful. In the journal, I use the margins to label foods (first fruit of the day = F1; third grain of the day = G3, etc.). This helps me keep on track. And, I'm making small changes as I learn the diet -- revamping my breakfasts to be DASH specific, and once I've mastered that I will start to really change lunch and/or dinner. This is an easy book to read. The author is sensible about American eating habits, and gives useful suggestions. It is an easy book to skim as needed, or to read cover to cover.
Do You like book The DASH Diet Action Plan: Proven To Lower Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Without Medication (2011)?
This is laid out in an easy to read format. Lots of info that is useful and makes the plan doable.
I don't have hypertenstion, but wanted a good diet book not based on the newest fads.
Another book recommended by doctor. We'll see if this works.
Good plan for those who need an intro to healthy eating.