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The Crack In The Cosmic Egg: New Constructs Of Mind And Reality (2002)

The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality (2002)

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0892819944 (ISBN13: 9780892819942)
park street press

About book The Crack In The Cosmic Egg: New Constructs Of Mind And Reality (2002)

I loved this book it's just great and I ended up understanding everything in the end.... Just good stuff... I would suggest it definitely to those with an open mind or at least those who like to read of new ideas or ones that my questions there own pereceptions. I even liked it so much i blogged about it. So lame am i but the book was really that good. "It is our capacity of production, not our products, that is key."- joseph pearce"Desire, passion, curiosity, productivity, lust for life, ecstacy, joy, adventure, all these are the highest thrusts of life, the most divine of attributes, the most sacred of possessions."-j.p."Christendom has largely ignored Jesus' insistence that act greater than his would be a product of his system." - j. p. compares jesus to don juan it's just crazy stuff... you know you want to give it a try... maybe just to know how really odd i am?

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