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Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class - And What We Can Do About It (2007)

Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class - And What We Can Do about It (2007)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
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1576754634 (ISBN13: 9781576754634)
berrett-koehler publishers

About book Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class - And What We Can Do About It (2007)

Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class by Thom Hartmann "Screwed..." is a fantastic book about how the corporate right has threatened democracy by systematically squeezing the middle class. This 249-page book is composed of fifteen chapters that are broken out by the following three parts: Part I: A Middle Class Requires Democracy, Part II. Democracy Requires a Middle Class and Part III. Governing for We the People. Positives: 1. Thom Hartman has a way with words. His elegant prose is matched by cogent thoughts. 2. It's a pleasure to read a book from a knowledgeable author who knows how to engage the reader. 3. What a wonderful way to learn history. Interesting and accessible. 4. An inspiring book with substance. There is conviction and passion behind his words. 5. Knowledge is a powerful tool. This book is empowering. 6. Our beliefs should be as strong as the evidence for them. Mr. Hartmann provides well-referenced compelling arguments. 7. The middle class defined and a wonderful historical account on the vision of our founding fathers. 8. The close relationship between the middle class and democracy. 9. Democrats versus the Cons, and why the shoe fits. 10. The realization backed by a long list of examples that business will not always do what's best for society. 11. The legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. 12. Fascinating look at the failed political philosophy of Ronal Reagan. 13. One of the great strengths of this book is that not only does it point out the negative factors that have threatened our democracy but how to reclaim it. Excellent! 14. Great thought-provoking quotes throughout. 15. Despite a clear progressive agenda, one that for the record I ascribe to, the author's criticism is even-handed. Mr. Hartmann is very critical of NAFTA and GATT which were signed by Bill Clinton. 16. The myth that a smaller government means fewer taxes for you and me. A "reverse Robin Hood". 17. The real roles of a democratic government. 18. Thomas Jefferson and the concept of "free" market in perspective. 19. Why the middle class is many great arguments. 20. The rise of the "corporateocracy" at the expense of us all. 21. Bad big pharma! 22. A fascinating look at the founders' vision. The great Thomas Paine. 23. The true historical significance of the Boston Tea Party. I'll drink to that! 24. Where the concept of corporations as persons came from and the implications. That tidbit alone is worth the price of the book. 25. What causes the loss of democracy? Find out. 26. American fascism illustrated. 27. How the Iraqi war screwed American taxpayers...upsetting to say the least. 28. The eye-opening account of prisons for profits and the implications. 29. Health care as it should be. 30. The evolution of heath care in America. 31. What is threatening Medicare? Find out. 32. Social-Security as an anti-poverty insurance program, not an investment program. 33. What the government needs to do help increase the middle class. 34. The illegal employer problem. 35. The living wage as a step toward the middle class. 36. The need for progressive taxes and how it works. 37. Links worked great on the Kindle, thank you. 38. A treat to read from cover to cover and a future reference book. Negatives: 1. Clearly Thom Hartmann has a progressive agenda, and at time gives you the illusion that FDR can do no wrong while Reagan was evil. 2. It never hurts to add charts or illustrations to complement the elegant prose. 3. Setting aside more time to read more books from Thom Hartmann. In summary, A fabulous book that met all my expectations. Educational, fun, inspiring and so well researched it was a treat to read. Mr. Hartmann is one of the reasons I love reading books so much. Highly recommended. Further suggestions: "Perfectly Legal..." by David Cay Johnston, "American Fascists..." by Chris Hedges, "The Conservative Assault on the Constitution" by Erwin Chemerinsky, and "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine

Not a whole lot new here if one is already familiar with the progressive agenda -- lots of talk about healthcare, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, the evils of corporations. The remedies are all unions, singlepayer healthcare, etc. However, this book is useful for three reasons:1. The basic point that democracy is only sustainable where there is a middle class and that the middle class is under attack from a variety of forces.2. As a reminder of how screwed up healthcare is in this country.3. As a reminder that how conservatives frame the founding and history of this country isn't the only way to frame it.I would imagine that most conservatives would dismiss this book as liberal drivel (and indeed it lacks the thoughtfulness and solid philosophical base of, to cite a recent author I've been interested in, Richard Sennett) even if there are some decent gotcha facts and stats. And there isn't enough discussion here to really analyze if the remedies would really work. But as a polemic it isn't all that bad, and one does wonder why the middle class isn't a bit more angry about how it's been treated by the right and by moderate Democrats. Of course, there was this recent election...

Do You like book Screwed: The Undeclared War Against The Middle Class - And What We Can Do About It (2007)?

Acclaimed radio host and renowned author, Thom Hartmann, does it again, providing a provocative look at one of America's most ignored social and political issues- the immanent demise of the middle class. Hartmann offers an historical perspective to back up his positions, often referring to the original intent of the founding fathers, pointing out how many of the original signers of the Constitution had the intent of assisting the poor and preventing the rich from ruling/becoming the government. Hartmann demonstrates how it is a combination of Reagan Economics and the ascendance of corporatehood into personhood that has gradually, and more recently, hastily, led to a concentration of wealth among the few, jobs which are being shipped overseas, and incomes that are faltering steadily. In short- the rise of corporate dominance is destroying the middle class. Engaging and well supported, Hartmann once again has produced a provocative 5 star book.

Even though Thom Hartmann wrote “Screwed, The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class” 2006-07, the book remains sadly relevant today, perhaps even more so with the middle class fighting for its’ life in the 2012 election. I’ve followed Thom Hartmann for years now, downloading his radio broadcast to get my daily history and economics lessons, and current political news and commentary. “Screwed” provides a “To-Do” list for the middle class to fight back against the conservatives and Neo-Cons of the late 2000’s: “First, we must recognized and reclaim the government programs that create a middle class:-tReturn to the American people our ownership of the military, the prison system, and the ballot box.-tFight for free and public education that encourages critical thinking, historical knowledge, and a love of learning in each child. Combat the No Child Left Behind Act and the belief that education is a commodity that can be tested.-tFight for a national single-payer health-care system based on Medicare.-tFight for Social-Security-do not let it be privatized or co-opted.-tFight for progressive taxation: reinstate a rate of 35 percent on corporations and a rate of 70 percent on the wealthiest 5 percent of Americans-and use the money to pay back the Scoial Security system and to fund an economic investment program.-tFight for a living wage and for the right of labor to organize.-tFight for a national energy program that puts people and the planet-not Big oil-first.”Hartmann concludes “Screwed” with a quote from Winton Churchill: “Never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Hartmann reminds us “We are fighting a war in America for the very heart and soul of our country. But it’s a war we can do something about. Don’t let yourself be screwed. Speak up, fight back, and never, never yield.”Bravo, Thom!!!

Most of this book is probably a "Michael Moore-ish" version of Lou Dobbs' latest book. In other words, it deals mostly with how the middle class is being squeezed more and more, and that it's mostly the Republicans' fault. However, the author is not beholden to the "D" (as in Democrat) label. He lumps in Bill Clinton with Reagan and Bushes I and II, primarily due to his support of NAFTA and GATT. His good guys are FDR and Dwight Eisenhower.The most interesting, and chilling, passages occur in chapters 7 and 8. Really, really interesting parallels are drawn between the rise of fascism in Italy, and the rise of the "corporatocracy" in the U.S.Largely, I agree with the book's themes. However, the book tends to jump around too much. The editing could have been more professional, too.

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